2021-10-12T13:00:00Z → 2021-10-12T13:50:00Z
Who will take notes?
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Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
Latest release: Release 1.70.0 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
Also this one in draft as of today: https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha/releases/tag/untagged-5114d352d1909e29df92
Latest release: Release 1.70.0 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Any adopters maintainers want to give updates on ongoing work?
UX Design Corner
- Updates on reporting
Documentation Corner
- @emlini creating “Hypha Stakeholders” page with Maintainers, Implementers, Contributors, & Sponsors & contact info for folks in these roles.
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- How to answer the question, how much does it cost to deploy something like reporting, so that others can see how much and then we can figure out how to make it cost less later
- PM Proposal: Mini demo and then a follow-up proposal here: Feasibility Review Template proposal & feedback wanted!
Adopter feedback requested: Feedback wanted: API Tokens
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals’
What are sociocracy proposals?: Sociocracy proposal framework
Monthly adopters ‘digest’: Monthly adopters ‘digest’ (email or other comms)
Ideation meeting proposal: Open Ideation meeting space
Documentation working group: Documentation Working Group
Open discussion corner (any open topics for this call right now?)
Fredrik files
- last release last week
- lots of issues being progressed
- new PRs: Updating public styles to override defaults from @allan
Adopter updates
- @blah had 2 discussions with ARDC and OTF
- both are excited about Hypha development
- Discussed developing SoW for 2022
- focused on workflow iterations
- making it easier to use APIs to interact with Hypha
- export the application data
- reporting functionality
- interested in knowing what other organisations are investing
- Discussed developing SoW for 2022
UX Design corner
- nothing ready to be presented
Documentation corner
- nothing new!
Eriol gave demo of the “spicy feature” spreadsheet