2021-11-09T14:00:00Z → 2021-11-09T14:50:00Z
Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
- If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.
- Who will take notes?
- To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/
- Riseup Pad
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Add here
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Eriol will now add in [Meta’s]/Epics and related issues into the release info. This is done manually and cannot be done in the .yml template
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible! )
- From @allan I’m sorry I wont be able to make it today. Just going over the final touches to get the DDP hypha launched. Which maybe tomorrow or Thursday. For adopters corner I have one update though. It could be that I will be doing another adoption in early 2022 for an organisation I support. I built the grant application management system they currently use and am trying to convince them to move to hypha in the near future.
UX Design Corner
- A reporting/evaluation video for this maintainers call @bernard
Documentation Corner
- Taking certain docs topics from the spreadsheet: Hypha Documentation Organization & Add/Priority List - Google Sheets
- Look at the live docs, Emily pushed a new commit.
PM Corner
- Do we want another summit in Q1/Q2 2022? who paid last time and what could we do to fund?
- What topics would we want to cover?
- Governance structures.
- Upstream/Downstream processes.
- Resources across forks and core and any conflicts of maintenance there.
- Do we want another summit in Q1/Q2 2022? who paid last time and what could we do to fund?
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add here
- Put notes here:
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Emily re. docs
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
last release included:
Bypass django forms widget templates by sandeepsajan0 · Pull Request #2616 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub scheduling posts can unschedle and the date field didn’t work. Bug fixed. Browser & Wagtail were adding widgets that fought so this have been fixed/removed.
Fixed bugs from translations work on variables translation.
Serious security issues have been fixed already
currently in progress:
Finance on Intacct API - XML which is horrible for devs - translations between JSON and XML
Calls to API on intacct is difficult
No Python integration to Intacct but someone else can do this work
Not all adoptors use Intacct but trying to make more flexible. Not all flexible so what are the next steps for other adopters.
Post finance: Security issues from the audit to implement, Django updates etc.
AP Eriol will organise an Intacct API demo of the end to end process with the devs that can be recorded.
AP Eriol will now add in [Meta’s]/Epics and related issues into the release info. This is done manually and cannot be done in the .yml template
AP Eriol can post the security audit on to website and point to the labelled issues in the pubic repo.
Adoptor Maintainer Corner
From Allan I’m sorry I wont be able to make it today. Just going over the final touches to get the DDP hypha launched. Which maybe tomorrow or Thursday. For adopters corner I have one update though. It could be that I will be doing another adoption in early 2022 for an organisation I support. I built the grant application management system they currently use and am trying to convince them to move to hypha in the near future.
OTF going through a retrospective and planning session for their support and use of hypha in 2021
UX Design Corner
- Reporting Video tbc!
Documentation Corner
Look at the live docs https://docs.hypha.app/
Feedback - Do we want the individual responsible in the page/section of the docs they are responsible for.
Not individuals but a general banner for improvement process for docs would be good.
Can we find out what documentation framework Juju | The Charmed Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) docs is using?
PM Corner
Reporting feasibility meeting will happen before end of nov Eriol will go through issues with search: reporting
Kicking off planning for next Hypha Summit!!!