Don’t forget to add a post topic and date!
2022-01-11T14:00:00Z → 2022-01-11T14:50:00Z
Google meet room:
- If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.
- Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: - Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
Emily: Need to leave by 9:25–topics under Documentation I think should be reviewable without me (I tried to write them as such), but I’d appreciate if we can front things that people would like my involvement/input on.
Eriol: Workflows py: hypha/ and the screen grabs:Workflow Screenshots/Mockups have I captured these accurately? ask to @fredrik and @Di
Eriol: Discussion on Wishlist process: 3 proposals for adopter and maintainer input: Open Roadmap, voting / 'wish list' and Quarterly Milestone Rebase process and the project board: Features and enhancements: From Adopters · GitHub
Eriol: Is [Files tab spike]: what does the files tab need to do for users · Issue #2634 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub a candidate for co-adopter collaboration?
Di Is there a documented standard protocol for implementers to propose code changes on their own instance or to the main branch? Is there a central communication channel or process for implementers to seek acknowledgement from other adopters about a new feature development or improvements?
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Add here
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Add here
UX Design Corner
- Reporting feature updates
Documentation Corner / What’s up docs?
- Two new issues created in github about Creating accounts (#30) & workflow documentation (#31)
- @eriol, have you been able to set up meetings with adopters re: workflows? Should I make it a priority to get the 4 hard-coded workflows documented before the January adopters meeting?
- Re: Reviewer-applicant visibility & contact discussed in Nov/Dec adopters meeting
- Issue recap: “Do any adopters want Reviewers to be able to contact applicants directly, within Hypha or outside of it, like via email (or conversely, want Reviewers not to see applicant info/be able to contact applicant)?”
@bernard, you mentioned there is a way to set whether reviewers can see applicant info–any change you remembered how to do this?
- If not, AP for @emlini: create issue in github for someone to play around with this for later documentation purposes (also need to think about where this belongs in the docs)
- Emily still updating github organization to match Gitbook
- Two new issues created in github about Creating accounts (#30) & workflow documentation (#31)
PM Corner / Bow and Eriol
Reporting feature updates
Workflows py: hypha/ and the screen grabs:Workflow Screenshots/Mockups have I captured these accurately? ask to @fredrik and @Di
Discussion on Wishlist process
Is [Files tab spike]: what does the files tab need to do for users · Issue #2634 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub a candidate for co-adopter collaboration?
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Copy paste Rise Up Pad notes here once meeting is finished.
Does anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
Eriol: Workflows py: hypha/ and the screen grabs: I captured these accurately? ask to @fredrik and @Di< Covered! -
Eriol : Discussion on Wishlist process and the project board: Features and enhancements: From Adopters · GitHub
Eriol : Is [Files tab spike]: what does the files tab need to do for users · Issue #2634 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub a candidate for co-adopter collaboration?
Add notes here
Fredrik files (review of recent releases (Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub) active dev tasks/bugs)
Add notes here
Add notes here
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
Release 1.7.5 Release 1.75.0 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
Not much over the holiday
Been updates to django 3 to upgrade from lts
Finance upgrades are getting pushed
More security updates, and dependencies (node, django, etc)
Coming up
Finish up the finance features and then add tests to them
DDP - Getting their first funding round done via Hypha
Reset - Nothing new re. maintainer OSS - working on reporting feature
OTF - Nothing new re. maintainer OSS
OTF - Is there a documented standard protocol for implementers to propose code changes on their own instance or to the main branch? Is there a central communication channel or process for implementers to seek acknowledgement from other adopters about a new feature development or improvements?
Eriol: Governance conversations can improve this and better understand what is happening.
Fred: Not much has come in yet in terms of big work. Discussion with Fredrik to merge a PR. Contributions on the site are welcome - talk about on and contribute them via github.
Dan: Documented in the wiki standard protocol, OTF is the one submitting code changes from devs and Fredrik is approving. Communication happens in PR’s and via Fredrik. On the adopters to update their own implementation when there are updates.
PR’s from non OTF folks are enhancements not big features. Fixes of spelling etc.
Security audit & how updates happen to that so there’s a grace period/ good faith process if these updates will negatively affect any of their instances.
If you have an idea and you wnat to support it then bring it to maintainers as an idea they can fund/pay other devs that then go to Fredrik to approve.
@AP Eriol to check this documentation.
Spoke about the reporting feature build
UX Design Corner
Reporting feature updates
Add notes here
Documentation Corner
Eriol is working to get other adopters workflows into
AP: Emily will create a new post that aggregates her understanding of the workflows that are known (using screenshots Eriol took)
On visibility
Working on documenting visibility of applications and personal information
Github <> Gitbook sync still needing to be sync’d
Set up a fund ‘I do not want reviewers to see identifying info about fundees’ @Eriol to help Emily find out how to capture these workarounds
Doc WG time and day change
PM Corner
Reporting feature updates
Workflows py: hypha/ and the screen grabs: I captured these accurately? ask to @fredrik and @Di< Covered! -
Discussion on Wishlist process: 3 proposals for adopter and maintainer input: Open Roadmap, voting / 'wish list' and Quarterly Milestone Rebase process
Is [Files tab spike]: what does the files tab need to do for users · Issue #2634 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub a candidate for co-adopter collaboration? Set out the purpose of it and what it’s useful for and what goes into it.
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
Add notes here