Maintainer’s Call 18th January 2022


:calendar: 2022-01-18T14:00:00Z2022-01-18T14:50:00Z

:tv: Google meet room:

  • If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.


  • :speaking_head: Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?

    • Add here
  • :file_cabinet: Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)

  • :notebook: Documentation Corner

  • :couch_and_lamp: Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible! :bowing_man: )

    • Eriol can update from ARDC perspective if no ARDC folks are on the call
    • Allan re. DDP should have launched their first Hypha powered fund on 15th Jan!
    • OTF figuring out lightweight interventions to better connect proposals to labs/in-kind services, perhaps meta terms, file tab?
    • Di’s questions on the voting/wish list approach and general proposal process.
  • :art: UX Design Corner

    • Eriol: Efforts to create a UI in Balsamiq (possibly future in PenPot or Figma) how do we want to open up this process?
    • @bernard’s early design ideas on: defining funder areas of focus. Please review them!.
      • Request @adopters have a look and leave a comment. Deadline: ideally before next maintainters call (at latest by next adopters call).
  • :triangular_ruler: PM Corner

    • Reporting ongoing and will be ready for deep dive choice of implementation features at Adopters call on the 26th of Jan: Feasibility Review Template - M&E and Reporting - Adopters Nov & Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 - Google Sheets
    • Working on the Adopters ‘newsletter’ for Q4 (still…)
    • Working on a demo video for ARDC re. how to ‘score’ applications done via screening and the 0-5 score system
    • Continued action: 'Set up a fund ‘I do not want reviewers to see identifying info about fundees’ Eriol to help Emily find out how to capture these workarounds
    • Continued action: Eriol to check documentation around how to be involved in Hypha re. PR’s, ideas, deploying an instance etc.
  • :business_suit_levitating: Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’

    • Add here

:page_facing_up: Notes

  • Copy paste Rise Up Pad notes here once meeting is finished.

    Attending: Di, Slammer, Fredrik, Emily, Eriol, Bernard

    Apologies: blah

    Does anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?

    • No additional topics!

    Fredrik files (review of recent releases (Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub) active dev tasks/bugs)

    • Draft release:

    • LTS versions that we promise to support for a period of time and keep it known and stable. Django 2.2 support ends in April 2022. Moving to 3.2 LTS release. Work is going well. Some changes for the better.

    • Finishing up Finance work and tests to the finance work that have been completed.

    • Reporting feature feasibility and implementation options meetings where Fredrik via dev has been discussing how to implement certain features.

      Documentation Corner

      • Seth’s start date in Jan 2022

      • @Eriol AP: Check on Seth’s start date and what info to include re. Django updates and who that support cut off in April might affect.

      • Ongoing efforts to document onboarding for potential new Adopters: Hypha Documentation Organization & Add/Priority List - Google Sheets

      • Emily requesting input from folks that have started looking at Hypha AP: @emilini will create a we.hypha post with timelines/date to have feedback by. e.g. two maintainers meetings from now.

      • Question: What ‘personas’ do we have for new adopters? Who are they and what do they want?

      • Context re. How to answer questions from funders interested in Hypha to

      • FAQ? Can X workflow be supported etc. @emilini to create we.hypha post

      • Examples of user workflows and how to do X

      • User Journeys of some Adopters → could this be a fillable template

      • Di provided example case studies for possible user journeys: Make Hypha Workflows documentation page · Issue #31 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub

        • Case Study 1: CIPESA has a rotating list of community reviewers every six months. Staff carries out the initial screening, but they rely on community reviewers to evaluate.

        • Case Study 2: Numun Fund is a feminist tech participatory funder. They asked how could to carry this out in Hypha.

        • Bernard asks: Case Study 1: is the same workflow as OTF, I think?
          Case Study 2: I don’t understand what “participatory funder” means. Can you explain how this workflow works?

        • Di responds: It’s not the same.

      • Bernard asked (and Em +1) what is a “participatory funder” and what kind of things are they wanting to do?

      • Included reviving the welcome we.hypha post as an intro post: Welcome to the Hypha Lounge - #5 updated text to follow in that post.

        • Documentation Working Group new call day/time pending @emlini 's preference. AP @emilini to set a day

        • @Eriol: Working on adding DFF & ARDC workflows to the Figma mock ups: Workflow Screenshots/Mockups

        • @emlini Emily will create a new post that aggregates her understanding of the workflows that are known (using screenshots Eriol took) Workflow Screenshots/Mockups to share/discuss at adopters if needed.

        • Does it match the py workflows file? @eriol

        • Bernard: If someone can share the “can hypha do this type of funding” workflow questions, I can put together some workflows.

    Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)

    • Eriol can update from ARDC perspective if no ARDC folks are on the call

    • Allan re. DDP should have launched their first Hypha powered fund on 15th Jan!@Eriol to check if they’ve done this?

    • DFF requested to learn more about new features/UX refinements on current Hypha Core

    • @Eriol Email/comms with DFF + Allan re. Django updates and the support cut off at April 2022 re. is this going to hurt them?

    • OTF figuring out lightweight interventions to better connect proposals to labs(in-kind services), perhaps meta terms, file tab?

    • Meta term as a filter option → activate and deactivate in settings.

    • Di’s questions on the voting/wish list approach and general proposal process. at the bottom of the notes doc. @Eriol will reply to questions aynsc

    UX Design Corner

    • Eriol: Efforts to create a UI in Balsamiq (possibly future in PenPot or Figma) how do we want to open up this process?

    • Miro mock up on reporting feature implementations: Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration

    • [di]: Could we confirm with funders that areas could be easily identified and not change often?+1 It’s okay if they do change because meta terms are easy to revise. However, this may impact other dependencies or featuers associated with this functionality.

    • 3 options for early ideas on defining areas of focus/goals for funders within the ‘back end’ of Wagtail

    • OTF used to have the area of focus funding on the concept note so applicants can choose.

    • [d]: could we please add Hypha’s style guide to the developer documentation?+1

    • @emlini: Anyone have examples of style guides from other sites that they like and could link here? That’s a dangerous question! lol Ushahidi used and has this Front-End( FE) Pattern Library: The Ushahidi Platform Pattern Library for OSS contributors that wanted to work in the FE or Adopters of Ushahidi that wanted to modify the FE.

    • Bernard asked Fredrik for the style guide for Hypha/Wagtail → previous file was not usable. @frojo to send pdf of buttons + all UI elements and styles via slack

    • OTF used to add category questions about areas of focus funding on the concept note
      so applicants can choose their own area of focus.
      Sign in ・ Cloudflare Access and some further details here: Reporting functionality: Discussion and clarity - #14 by eriol

    PM Corner

    • Reporting ongoing and will be ready for deep dive choice of implementation features at Adopters call on the 26th of Jan: Feasibility Review Template - M&E and Reporting - Adopters Nov & Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 - Google Sheets

    • Working on the Adopters ‘newsletter’ for Q4 (still…)

    • Working on a demo video for ARDC re. how to ‘score’ applications done via screening and the 0-5 score system

    • Continued action: 'Set up a fund ‘I do not want reviewers to see identifying info about fundees’ @Eriol to help Emily find out how to capture these workarounds from Adopters

    • Continued action: Eriol to check documentation around how to be involved in Hypha re. PR’s, ideas, deploying an instance etc.

    • Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’

[di]: 1) Questions about the voting/wish list: [3 proposals for adopter and maintainer input: Open Roadmap, voting / 'wish list' and Quarterly Milestone Rebase process]

  • Could we have a documented process on the full workflow of the voting/wish list approach? For example, the workflow could elaborate on what happens when an adopter is interested in developing a particular feature. Will they take ownership or lead the development of this feature?

  • Are Open Roadmap, ZenHub, and features and enhancements requests different methods leading toward the same goal, ie voting/wish list?

  • Open Roadmap - triage of existing issues

  • ZenHub - collect from each instance

  • Features and enhancements requests - ongoing requests

  • Do you know of examples or scenarios of this approach being carried out?

  1. Is a lack of “balance” in Hypha functionalities a challenge for adopters? Are there examples or could we discuss this further as a group at the summit or adopter’s meeting?

  2. Is there a documented process for developing and implementing proposed procedural changes or proposals like ZenHub, Voting/Wish List, etc? What is the next step or follow-up after posting a proposal on We.Hypha.App?