Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
- If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.
- Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/ - Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Add here
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
Documentation Corner
- Ongoing efforts to document onboarding for potential new Adopters: Hypha Documentation Organization & Add/Priority List - Google Sheets
- Included reviving the welcome we.hypha post as an intro post: Welcome to the Hypha Lounge - #5 updated text to follow in that post.
- Documentation Working Group new call day/time pending @emlini 's preference
- Eriol: Working on adding DFF & ARDC workflows to the Figma mock ups: Workflow Screenshots/Mockups
- @emlini Emily will create a new post that aggregates her understanding of the workflows that are known (using screenshots Eriol took) Workflow Screenshots/Mockups
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Eriol can update from ARDC perspective if no ARDC folks are on the call
- Allan re. DDP should have launched their first Hypha powered fund on 15th Jan!
- OTF figuring out lightweight interventions to better connect proposals to labs/in-kind services, perhaps meta terms, file tab?
- Di’s questions on the voting/wish list approach and general proposal process.
UX Design Corner
- Eriol: Efforts to create a UI in Balsamiq (possibly future in PenPot or Figma) how do we want to open up this process?
@bernard’s early design ideas on: defining funder areas of focus. Please review them!.
- Request @adopters have a look and leave a comment. Deadline: ideally before next maintainters call (at latest by next adopters call).
PM Corner
- Reporting ongoing and will be ready for deep dive choice of implementation features at Adopters call on the 26th of Jan: Feasibility Review Template - M&E and Reporting - Adopters Nov & Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 - Google Sheets
- Working on the Adopters ‘newsletter’ for Q4 (still…)
- Working on a demo video for ARDC re. how to ‘score’ applications done via screening and the 0-5 score system
- Continued action: 'Set up a fund ‘I do not want reviewers to see identifying info about fundees’ Eriol to help Emily find out how to capture these workarounds
- Continued action: Eriol to check documentation around how to be involved in Hypha re. PR’s, ideas, deploying an instance etc.
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add here
Copy paste Rise Up Pad notes here once meeting is finished.
Attending: Di, Slammer, Fredrik, Emily, Eriol, Bernard
Apologies: blah
Does anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?- No additional topics!
Fredrik files (review of recent releases (Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub) active dev tasks/bugs)
Draft release: https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha/releases/tag/untagged-b226f2f1efa894af2d72
LTS versions that we promise to support for a period of time and keep it known and stable. Django 2.2 support ends in April 2022. Moving to 3.2 LTS release. Work is going well. Some changes for the better.
Finishing up Finance work and tests to the finance work that have been completed.
Reporting feature feasibility and implementation options meetings where Fredrik via dev has been discussing how to implement certain features.
Documentation Corner
Seth’s start date in Jan 2022
@Eriol AP: Check on Seth’s start date and what info to include re. Django updates and who that support cut off in April might affect.
Ongoing efforts to document onboarding for potential new Adopters: Hypha Documentation Organization & Add/Priority List - Google Sheets
Emily requesting input from folks that have started looking at Hypha AP: @emilini will create a we.hypha post with timelines/date to have feedback by. e.g. two maintainers meetings from now.
Question: What ‘personas’ do we have for new adopters? Who are they and what do they want?
Context re. How to answer questions from funders interested in Hypha to
FAQ? Can X workflow be supported etc. @emilini to create we.hypha post
Examples of user workflows and how to do X
User Journeys of some Adopters → could this be a fillable template
Di provided example case studies for possible user journeys: Make Hypha Workflows documentation page · Issue #31 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
Case Study 1: CIPESA has a rotating list of community reviewers every six months. Staff carries out the initial screening, but they rely on community reviewers to evaluate.
Case Study 2: Numun Fund is a feminist tech participatory funder. They asked how could to carry this out in Hypha.
Bernard asks: Case Study 1: is the same workflow as OTF, I think?
Case Study 2: I don’t understand what “participatory funder” means. Can you explain how this workflow works? -
Di responds: It’s not the same.
Bernard asked (and Em +1) what is a “participatory funder” and what kind of things are they wanting to do?
Included reviving the welcome we.hypha post as an intro post: Welcome to the Hypha Lounge - #5 updated text to follow in that post.
Documentation Working Group new call day/time pending @emlini 's preference. AP @emilini to set a day
@Eriol: Working on adding DFF & ARDC workflows to the Figma mock ups: Workflow Screenshots/Mockups
@emlini Emily will create a new post that aggregates her understanding of the workflows that are known (using screenshots Eriol took) Workflow Screenshots/Mockups to share/discuss at adopters if needed.
Does it match the py workflows file? @eriol
Bernard: If someone can share the “can hypha do this type of funding” workflow questions, I can put together some workflows.
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
Eriol can update from ARDC perspective if no ARDC folks are on the call
Allan re. DDP should have launched their first Hypha powered fund on 15th Jan!@Eriol to check if they’ve done this?
DFF requested to learn more about new features/UX refinements on current Hypha Core
@Eriol Email/comms with DFF + Allan re. Django updates and the support cut off at April 2022 re. is this going to hurt them?
OTF figuring out lightweight interventions to better connect proposals to labs(in-kind services), perhaps meta terms, file tab?
Meta term as a filter option → activate and deactivate in settings.
Di’s questions on the voting/wish list approach and general proposal process. at the bottom of the notes doc. @Eriol will reply to questions aynsc
UX Design Corner
Eriol: Efforts to create a UI in Balsamiq (possibly future in PenPot or Figma) how do we want to open up this process?
Miro mock up on reporting feature implementations: Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration
[di]: Could we confirm with funders that areas could be easily identified and not change often?+1 It’s okay if they do change because meta terms are easy to revise. However, this may impact other dependencies or featuers associated with this functionality.
3 options for early ideas on defining areas of focus/goals for funders within the ‘back end’ of Wagtail
OTF used to have the area of focus funding on the concept note so applicants can choose.
[d]: could we please add Hypha’s style guide to the developer documentation?+1
@emlini: Anyone have examples of style guides from other sites that they like and could link here? That’s a dangerous question! lol Ushahidi used and has this Front-End( FE) Pattern Library: The Ushahidi Platform Pattern Library for OSS contributors that wanted to work in the FE or Adopters of Ushahidi that wanted to modify the FE.
Bernard asked Fredrik for the style guide for Hypha/Wagtail → previous file was not usable. @frojo to send pdf of buttons + all UI elements and styles via slack
OTF used to add category questions about areas of focus funding on the concept note
so applicants can choose their own area of focus.
Sign in ・ Cloudflare Access and some further details here: Reporting functionality: Discussion and clarity - #14 by eriol
PM Corner
Reporting ongoing and will be ready for deep dive choice of implementation features at Adopters call on the 26th of Jan: Feasibility Review Template - M&E and Reporting - Adopters Nov & Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 - Google Sheets
Working on the Adopters ‘newsletter’ for Q4 (still…)
Working on a demo video for ARDC re. how to ‘score’ applications done via screening and the 0-5 score system
Continued action: 'Set up a fund ‘I do not want reviewers to see identifying info about fundees’ @Eriol to help Emily find out how to capture these workarounds from Adopters
Continued action: Eriol to check documentation around how to be involved in Hypha re. PR’s, ideas, deploying an instance etc.
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
[di]: 1) Questions about the voting/wish list: [3 proposals for adopter and maintainer input: Open Roadmap, voting / 'wish list' and Quarterly Milestone Rebase process]
Could we have a documented process on the full workflow of the voting/wish list approach? For example, the workflow could elaborate on what happens when an adopter is interested in developing a particular feature. Will they take ownership or lead the development of this feature?
Are Open Roadmap, ZenHub, and features and enhancements requests different methods leading toward the same goal, ie voting/wish list?
Open Roadmap - triage of existing issues
ZenHub - collect from each instance
Features and enhancements requests - ongoing requests
Do you know of examples or scenarios of this approach being carried out?
Is a lack of “balance” in Hypha functionalities a challenge for adopters? Are there examples or could we discuss this further as a group at the summit or adopter’s meeting?
Is there a documented process for developing and implementing proposed procedural changes or proposals like ZenHub, Voting/Wish List, etc? What is the next step or follow-up after posting a proposal on We.Hypha.App?