Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
- If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.
- Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/- Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Add here
Documentation Corner
- Nothing this week
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Released 3 new releases!
Adoptor Maintainer Corner * (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- OTF plan to revise our automated messages in Hypha
- Nothing from RESET - raised a topic re. headless hypha in notes below
UX Design Corner
- Nothing this week
PM Corner
- Still plenty of actions to cover from last 3x Maintainer calls and last Adopter call
- Discussion: Facilitation of Maintainers & Adopters - assumed by Eriol but is this useful, would we like better.
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add here
- Copy paste Rise Up Pad notes here once meeting is finished.
Attending: Fredrik, Di, Emily, Dan, Eriol, Slammer, Bernard
Apologies: ARDC, DFF, DDP et al.
Does anyone need any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Nothing to add
Documentation Corner
Nothing critical this week
@Eriol to support Emily with what relevant topics were covered in Adopters re. How Adopters use metatags
Fredrik files (review of recent releases ( https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha/releases ) active dev tasks/bugs)
Released 3 new releases! 2 intentional and last one a fx for a minor bug.
Finance soon done with invoicing, ready for contracting work going well.
Usability of the intricacy of the system is the trickiest part e.g. rule interpretation, processes, opinions of how things could work
Daniel (https://github.com/slifty) submitted PR’s re. docker deployment which led to lots of updates from Fredrik to update lots of linting, node packages etc. Docker now working well
Docker is now more up to date like Heroku - removing complications/fewer tools/dependancies(?)
Django 2.2.27 ( to make work) update to Django 3 small changes to code. hold us until 2024.
Discussion about a pieces of work re. 'Headless Hypha & Hypha.app’
Website tied to Wagtail website interface moving away from - decoupling website from application process.
Dan suggested we make more clear maybe on hypha.app the fact that we don’t recommend using Hypha for both application and front-end website; we are working toward making Hypha more “headless” and able to be integrated with multiple 3rd-party sites (e.g. Wordpress, Hugo, Ghost, etc. based websites), but it’s not quite there yet
A follow up question for Fredrik from a technical spike pov to ask what platforms he might have considered as workable - Hugo, Ghost, Wordpress etc.
Fredrik: Hypha API is the work. generic API’s to implement on anything - Hypha releases a 'apply only’function.
Do adopters want to ‘publish’ their API ‘hooks’ into whatever CMS/website they use.
json file that has API endpoint definitions (did I remember that right?) yup so people can make use of that with different plug-ins. API will be platform-agnostic.
Eriol still following up with updates from Allan/Thomas (DFF) about ??? HELP ERIOL
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
OTF plan to revise our automated messages in Hypha
Looked at the wording of messages in moving status between stages - emails/comms comms are ‘sparse’
Re. OTF Hypha dev work All development is done on OSS branch - these are currently identical
Depending on what these are could be done via translations for the specific adopter or if they are good contributions for Hypha OSS they will go into the OSS.
Who determines what is a ‘generic’ language vs. translations for a specific adopter via translation
@Bernard requested to have more eyes on this for review if this will be contributed into OSS Hypha.
@Eriol: Can we use this as a way to document a process (that could inform governance examples) of how work is done across adopter specific work and OSS Hypha
@Emily asked about branches, upstream etc. from OTF Hypha to OSS Hypha → @Dan has offered a time to run through with Emily. (A good topic for docs).
Some discussion/questions about activity + spend.
[di]: ADRC loves Hypha <3
Realising the Hypha feature set really works for them - very cool (there past system was call something like HOT C.R.P?)
They are able to learn good funder behaviour super success.
Adopters will get to the same place OTF is in Hypha use.
Transition story case study? OTF 5-30 users ARDC migrating systems.
UX Design Corner
- Nothing critical this week
PM Corner
Still plenty of actions to cover from last 3x Maintainer calls and last Adopter call
Discussion: Facilitation of Maintainers & Adopters - assumed by Eriol but is this useful, would we like better.
@Eriol & Bernard Hypha.app is a ‘headless tool’ that powers the application. Discovery with Adopters re. expectations of Hypha.app
Skin templates for public website e.g. Wagtail front-facing website. Other Adopters don’t use this theme because it doesn’t match what they want from their website. Adopters want to use Hypha for both ‘apply backend’ only or ‘front website + apply backend’ how is this supported going forward?
^ Sounds like a design research piece with both current adopters + potential funders that could be adopters.
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add notes here
[di]: Eriol: apologies i’m still working on responding to these
- Questions about the voting/wish list: [3 proposals for adopter and maintainer input: Open Roadmap, voting / 'wish list' and Quarterly Milestone Rebase process]
Could we have a documented process on the full workflow of the voting/wish list approach? For example, the workflow could elaborate on what happens when an adopter is interested in developing a particular feature. Will they take ownership or lead the development of this feature?
Are Open Roadmap, ZenHub, and features and enhancements requests different methods leading toward the same goal, ie voting/wish list?
Open Roadmap - triage of existing issues
ZenHub - collect from each instance
Features and enhancements requests - ongoing requests
Do you know of examples or scenarios of this approach being carried out?
Is a lack of “balance” in Hypha functionalities a challenge for adopters? Are there examples or could we discuss this further as a group at the summit or adopter’s meeting?
Is there a documented process for developing and implementing proposed procedural changes or proposals like ZenHub, Voting/Wish List, etc? What is the next step or follow-up after posting a proposal on We.Hypha.App?