Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
If you’d like access to the google meet room, send a message to the @maintainers group. If you’d like to be added to the calendar invite please DM @eriol .
Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/
Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad
Attending (initials only):
Apologies (initials only):
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Adopters Corner - OTF Hypha Governance Overview
- OSS PM - Rebasing/Grooming/Triage update
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
Documentation Corner
- Add here
- Add here
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Add here
- Add here
UX Design Corner
- Add here
- Add here
PM Corner
- OSS PM - Rebasing/Grooming/Triage update
- Add here
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- [di]: start to track accomplishments on a regular basis for the newsletter:
- Maybe as a prompt or question during the Adopter call? +1
- Examples of items for newsletter:
- Q4 2021
- localization [Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #7 by dluong and Localising Hypha]
- revamping the WagTail Admin to the newsletter?
- Torchbox ux research report/bug fixes over the summer
- Q1 2022
Notes (Copy paste from Riseup pad once meeting is over. Please anonymise any names)
Does anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
Adopters Corner - OTF Hypha Governance Overview
OSS PM - Rebasing/Grooming/Triage update
Fredrik files (review of recent releases ( https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha/releases ) active dev tasks/bugs)
Most recent release/s:
Maintainers will summarizing newly released features on release notes
Determination messages were a bit non-descriptive ‘error please fix’ developers have improved these messages with goos info ‘you are missing x’ so ease the process of creating forms.
Working actively on project part - after approved - about to get funds. Contracting and invoicing.
Invoicing almost done and big parts have been released to live code.
Improved for orgs that have a lot of users → Wagtail admin for this was lacking → difficult to find user in 1000+ of user better filter and sort and batch actions.
Minor bug fixes
Updated Django, Node, Javascript pkgs for security releases.
- Add somewhere to documentation (maybe FAQ): Important to keep individual implementations current with main branch, because updates maintain security
Alan (a different alan than DDP Allan!) popped on we.hypha and asked questions and works for an org that do funds - stumbled on hypha and started looking into it! Does Hypha have an independent country list not included with Address - #8 by baba_teko
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
Adopters Corner - OTF Hypha Governance Overview
Goals for Hypha
Document some of teh gvernance processes to make it clearer to new adopters and get a sense of how this all runs.
Continue some practices that are in place and allow for more evergreen activity
Feedback on this content
Document how things work currently but make it clear where decisions should be defered to maintainers etc.
How to best capture and draw lines so things can go effectively and efficiently
Going to talk through some of the sections of the governance doc
Time and different changes have/may effect this document
Outline all of the roles related to Hypha + orgs
Owner of Hypha + responsibilities
Maintainers + responsibilities
Adopters + responsibilities
Decision making processes around most regular decisions
Empower deicision making
Maintences and regular updates
Big changes to Hypha OSS (Core) and decision making on what makes it into OSS Hypha (core)
Annual security audit, summit, sustainability, ?? + how to engage
- ^ link to ways that Hypha has worked previously
May be shared post this maintainers call for feedback specifically centred around goals
Key decisions on where and how they get made?
Happy to answer questions once folks can review document
Comments in the doc (google doc) once shared
How do you wanna include folks not here right now? Do you need support - feedback from Maintainers are important now.
OTF no other updates this call
Here is the document Hypha Governance_Public - Google Docs
No updates from RESET
ARDC - extensive walkthrough through there process that are primarily UX releated for their workflow and posting on their own issue tracker.
At some point want to connect with the larger OSS project/community on how to facilitate those upstream.
More activity towards the 22nd April.
Thanks for walkthrough
@Jim to share list of UX issues with Bernard
Emily asks: Any issues that are a result of needing more user documentation?
More about changing features than more documentation. Example re. two buttons on ‘apply’ page.
Might be a technical documentation thing about if you want the button or not
Spoke at summit last year - turn on/off certain aspects of the tools features - onboarding.
Might be that some functions are possible to be turned on/off in config so need tech docs
Some issues beyond the UX issues. Creating scoring rubriks and summed easily.
UX Design Corner
Compliance and contracting in project application form, review of the project application form and contract generating process have been done and awaiting feedback
Usability improvements for the set up of 2FA authentication. Design reccommendations pending.
Questions from ARDC re. account creation.
Usability testing sessions on new finance flow that encapsulates submission of invoice for new applicants. With staff and applicants.
Wagtail navigation + filters + other imporvements
Documentation Corner
Nothing this call to update
how to contribute documentation: How to Contribute to Hypha’s Documentation · Issue #44 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
PM Corner
OSS PM - Rebasing/Grooming/Triage update
Also working on Q1 Adopters Newsletter digest: Adopters Newsletter #2 Q1 2022 · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub
RI’s will be writing expliantaions in rleease as of this week
Determination templates not pre-populated with text - seclect approve or delicne see pre=populated text so the user can make adjustments or changes to that
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
[di]: start to track accomplishments on a regular basis for the newsletter:
Maybe as a prompt or question during the Adopter call?
Examples of items for newsletter:
Q4 2021
Monthly Ideation meeting:
2022 March 29th(Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #7 by dluong
Revamping the WagTail Admin to the newsletter?
Torchbox ux research report/bug fixes over the summer
Q1 2022
- ?
[BT] If time allows: should we contact Alan (person Fred mentioned) and find out some deets/be helpful? EF: Sounds good! I can do a friendly invitation to the next mainatiners call? and/or a sort of onboarding call?
Di: Can we consider changing time of maintainers call for those of west coast can attend Di & Eriol to create a forum post re time of maintainers call
Maintainers currently meet 6am PT/9am ET/15:00 CET twice a week; Adopters meet 7:30 am PT/10:30 am ET/16:30 CET once a month
Proposal to change the meeting schedule to twice a month for maintainers, adopters, and implementers. Maintainers and Adopters calls should be combined and during a time that is reasonable for the entire Hypha community.
Doodle poll? or Discourse has polls as well?
I concur with asking people if the time should change.
(I wasn’t aware we were allowed to drink wine on this meeting.)
I thought were strongly encouraged to use these meetings to find ourselves?
Question for Fredrik - has it been ok having less maintainer calls and giving updates on releases or been a bit too infrequent?
- Fredrik is cool with this!