Maintainer’s Call 3rd May 2022



:tv: Google meet room:

If you’d like access to the google meet room, send a message to the @maintainers group. If you’d like to be added to the calendar invite please DM @eriol .

:writing_hand: Who will take notes? :raised_hands:
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here:

Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad

Attending (initials only):
Apologies (initials only):


:speaking_head: Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?

  • ARDC: What is the best way to share the work with the team - technically not public yet. e.g. A field that sums scores for applications.
  • Add here

:file_cabinet: Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)

:notebook: Documentation Corner

  • [di]: Streamline documentation to focus on NEW adopters and evergreen content
  • Considering moving away from gitbook as it’s buggy. Emily to suggest a couple of tool options for maintainer discussion.
  • Emily will add some text about how adopters can and are encouraged to add content to this spreadsheet: Hypha Documentation Organization & Add/Priority List - Google Sheets

:couch_and_lamp: Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible! :bowing_man:)

  • ARDC: What is the best way to share the work with the team - technically not public yet. e.g. A field that sums scores for applications.
  • Add here

:art: UX Design Corner

  • Add here
  • Add here

:triangular_ruler: PM Corner

:business_suit_levitating: Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’

  • Add here

:page_facing_up: Notes (Copy paste from Riseup pad once meeting is over. Please anonymise any names)


Does anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?

  • ARDC: What is the best way to share the work with the team - technically not public yet. e.g. A field that sums scores for applications.

Fredrik files (review of recent releases ( ) active dev tasks/bugs)

  • Most recent release: 2.0.4 (already covered in last Maintainers & Adopters etc.): Release 2.4.0 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub and Draft 2.0.5:

  • All releases: Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub

  • We looked over 2.0.5 together - no fredrik so no expansion on the issues

  • Bernard gave a expansion on the issues - Then fredrik showed up and went through the release :smiley:

  • Devs are planning to add more detail to releases so they are more human-language understandable

  • Others can add detail to release notes if they want, release notes are editable by using the lil edit icon top right.

  • Update sandbox for new adopters []

  • We will put more resources and time to updating the sandbox

  • Demo on newest version of the software → Docker containers that reset after X hours.

  • How much is it used?

  • Can it be ‘reset’ each time? rolling back to a snapshot every 24 hours or so.

  • How much content needs to stay there.

  • Guidelines or times when the update would happen e.g. once per month or per quarter.

  • AP: Emily, do you want to note in docs how new adopters can get in contact with Fredrik in order to use the sandbox to test.

Documentation Corner

  • [di]: Streamline documentation to focus on NEW adopters and evergreen content [Issues · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub]

  • Only these kinds of documentation

  • Considering moving away from gitbook as it’s buggy. Emily to suggest a couple of tool options for maintainer discussion.

  • Docosaurus

  • in .md docs

  • Emily will add some text about how adopters can and are encouraged to add content to this spreadsheet: Hypha Documentation Organization & Add/Priority List - Google Sheets

  • OTF are hiring a tech docs person

  • Jim will discuss with ARDC about what they can contribute docs wise

Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)

  • ARDC: What is the best way to share the work with the team - technically not public yet. e.g. A field that sums scores for applications.

  • 53 issues needed both large and small on what ARDC needs to launch officially

  • Are the issues clearly defined? no they are a bit fuzzier. ‘Is this just an ARDC fix or is this something everyone else would benefit from’? country form.

  • 2, 3 week sprints to have these issues wrapped up and deployed.

UX Design Corner

PM Corner

  • New proposed weekly rebasing time from Eriol - on hold until volunteer contribution time is defined or contract/funding is clarified

  • Riseup Pad

  • Features and enhancements: From Adopters · GitHub

  • Feedback on + Poll link: Poll: Maintainer calls frequency and Ideation meeting: Poll: Maintainer calls frequency and Ideation meeting

  • Feedback on + Poll link: Poll: Chnaging the start time of Maintainers calls: Poll: Changing the start time of Maintainers calls

  • Technical Review Process

  • OTF code contributions go through same ‘pull review process’ as all adopters and contributors

  • NEW scoping review form on GitHub - will ask for feedback from adopters over the next few months [Sign in to GitHub · GitHub]

  • Learn more about current development roadmap here:

  • Di and Frederik maintain Hypha Development [Hypha development · GitHub]

  • Goal is to streamline the process for contributions like bug reports, pull requests, technical scoping discussions/questions, etc. This project board is to ensure work on Hypha’s main branch is transparent to other adopters.

  • In the future, it would be good to have an approximate timeline for when we could address a reported bug, security issue, ongoing maintenance, or scoping review, etc.

What is on the horizon?

Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’

  • None

I’m not sure this is strictly true? in that other adopters don’t have the oldest maintainer on contract staff to maintain merges? IMHO there’s an expedited process that OTF code contributions go through (not mentioned as a bad thing and other adopters could do the same by hiring the core maintainer dev role themselves)