2021-09-21T13:00:00Z → 2021-09-21T13:50:00Z
Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is press the EDIT button on this post.
Fredrik files (review of recent releases, active dev tasks/bugs)
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
UX Design Corner
Documentation Corner
Anyone needs any specific time to go over work?
Any Other Business
- Reporting functionality update: Reporting functionality: Discussion and clarity
- Ideation meeting proposal: Will bring to Maintainer call on the 28th Sept.
- What are sociocracy proposals?: Will bring to Maintainer call on the 28th Sept.
Discussion corner
Fredrik files
- Big localization release happened. Please test and report bugs!
- Submission table columns in /apply/submissions/all/ are now able to be set/changed per implementation
- Implemented ability for reviewers to unassign themselves
- New contracting role and Team Admin is renamed to Staff Admin and permissions will start moving from staff/team role to Staff Admin (will clean up the user interface for staff/team role)
- Up next are more finance/contract features in the Projects space
Adopter/Maintainer Corner
- DDP moving/changing their workflows to accommodate hyphas
- Wanting more export and filtering abilities
- Based on current core
- DFF priority is to catch their version up to the current core version
- On how useful/generic is Project Approval Form?
- DFF has a bundle that’s very similar
- What do other adopters require at this stage (after approval of an application and before contract), currently called this PAF?
- @bernard asked to do some discovery there
- Rst looking to ramp its features stuff
- Open question @eriol is working on: what other ways/mediums do adopters receive updates and provide input (monthly update for example)?
UX Design corner
- Refining stuff on new finance stuff
- @bernard will present the finance/compliance changes OTF is driving at next adopters call (still a total work in progress)
- @bernard will pick back up the reporting discovery/specification – Rst is driving – in the projects space and prepare a demo to introduce concepts to other adopters
Documentation corner
- Creation of a documentation working group, see this link for more Documentation Working Group
- Working on the organisation and timing of docs creating
- Would love to have an outline to work on
- @emlini will create a github issue and a google doc for collaborative drafting
- When/where is the there right place to ask questions about hypha that help make sure docs are in line with actual features/workflows/etc
- @blah will work to setup a regular time for docs meeting
- @bernard showing up juju
- Set up a we.hypha thread for docs working group: Documentation Working Group
- Added ‘The (new) funding and application ARDC workflow’ to tomorrows adoptors call to cover.
Any Other Business
- Please read and respond to: Reporting functionality: Discussion and clarity
- Other proposals coming in the next maintainers call
Discussion corner
- None - ran outta time!