2021-09-14T13:00:00Z → 2021-09-14T13:50:00Z
- Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is press the EDIT button on this post.
- Fredrik files (review of recent releases, active dev tasks/bugs)
- UX Design Corner
- In lieu of Bernard Eriol can give a brief update from them
- Contracting and compliance design updates
- Proposed design improvements to Hypha filters
- Documentation Corner
- Anyone needs any specific time to go over work?
- Any Other Business
- Discussion corner
Fredrik files
- Next release will be a big translation release. All templates/strings will be translatable. We Will need deeper testing and likely there will be issues.
- Identify or create the best issue label for any bugs/improvements that come up
- Already an active community of folks for translations (Thank you Localization Lab)
- Will also make it easier to customize strings, not just translations (ie workflow > Process)
- What are priority languages: Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese
- Add a filter for the lead on dashboards
- Bunch of string grammatical fixes
- Big push of API calls for invoices
- Ability reviewers to remove themselves (allows folks to sign up themselves and if they did by mistake, they can undo)
UX Design Corner
- Reporting functionality hoping to have updates and wireframes next week (this is the monitor and evaluation type of reporting)
- Need to decide on terms for reporting on system analytics, manager kpi, and partner monitor and evaluation?
- @eriol will take on working with folks to define this
- Doing some research with @rosy and her team on workflow changes
- Working on getting base.py definitions into docs, see Documenting the Hypha customisation options
On Accessibility
- @eriol will meet with @emlini to create a project board for priorities and needs
- Maybe a class of features for new developers as well (see https://www.outreachy.org/ or https://issuehunt.io/ etc)
On Meeting format
- @eriol will be bringing proposals to help both keep meetings efficient but also creating space for big ideas/ideation