Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
If you’d like access to the google meet room, send a message to the @maintainers group. If you’d like to be added to the calendar invite please DM @eriol .
Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/
Today’s Riseup pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/XKlYOKH04bfvwBmeaBt1-keep
Attending (initials only):
Apologies (initials only):
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Add here
- Add here
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Most recent release: v2.2.0
- Add here
Documentation Corner
- Add here
- Add here
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Eriol: Question for Reset re. DFF + Updates + Reset support?
- Add here
UX Design Corner
- Add here
- Add here
PM Corner
- Reporting feature development paused - prep work winding down over April/may
- Triage/Rebasing for Q1 (+Q4 2021) planning this week - carrying out next week.
- PM support for OSS Hypha in a state of flux while we understand where time is support and by whom.
- Eriol: To this point, Maintainers calls, Adopter Calls and all ‘other’ PM work doesn’t have to be a single person taking on the role. It’s possible that in the Governance discussions that OTF (+Reset + SimSec) have been having any ‘role’ could be done by anyone regardless of their support/funding source. It’s an OSS project after all which means it’s open to contribution however that contribution is ‘supported’.
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add here
Notes (Copy paste from Riseup pad once meeting is over. Please anonymise any names)
Maintainer’s Call 5th April 2022 GMT 14.00 - 14.50 // CET 13.00 - 13.50 // EST 09.00 - 09.50 // PST 06.00 - 06.50
Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
Attending (initials only): EF, B/DM, SM, FJ, BT, EC, DL
Apologies (initials only): N/A
Does anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
Upcoming Maintainer’s Call to discuss governance - April 19 or 26?
- Requesting specific people in attendance: Laura, Georgia, Dan + others
- Laura to present
- 19th Can intro the governance
- 26th longer conversation
- AP: Slammer & Di to ask Laura if she wants to do one time or split over both.
- AP:
Eriol - ask Georgia to block out these times.Done! - Additionally: Dan cannot do the 26th
Translations technical clarifications via Fredrik. Ref Ideation Call: Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #2 by georgiamoon
Fredrik files (review of recent releases ( https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha/releases ) active dev tasks/bugs)
- Pushed in the unfinished? Sage Intacct integration - won’t be used anytime soon but good work has been done and didn’t want to ‘leave’ in a PR
- For applicants: Logged into Hypha , doing an application, name and email field will be pre-populated
- During field is no longer required and has become optional. Only title name and email are required on application forms.
- Squashed some bugs
- Updated packages
- Finishing up workflows for invoices (OTF feature?)
- Contracts interface and how they (staff) want to build contracts - where things should be saved etc. (OTF feature?)
Translations technical clarifications via Fredrik. Ref Ideation Call: Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #2 by georgiamoon
- Translations end up as a file format .po standard used by many software packages
- Most people will not enjoy editing them in a text editors and there are websites to edit e.g. weblate and other stand alone apps. Gives a nice interface for non-devs
- Local computer apps can connect to other spoken languages dictionaries etc.
- These will all spit out a .po file.
- Eriol had some questions about what happens next re. Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #2 by georgiamoon
- Is this a conversation we want to continue? Is localization a functionality Maintainers want to pursue for Hypha Core?
- Understand workflow of what adopters need to use transifex/Weblate (open source) – documentation to give adopters the information they need to get started let them choose what works best for them.
- Broader conversation about Ideation meetings/work groups and their effectiveness for moving forward an idea, or should there be a definitive end when the ideation call is over?
- AP:
Eriol will add an improvement issue to the greyed out name field about where users can go to change name/email if names have been changed.Done: Greyed out name and email on application form - info to help user update these details · Issue #2794 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
Documentation Corner
Relevant github issues for adding localization to documentation, so we have them with this thread:
Document Hypha localization options Pt. 1 · Issue #40 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub Document Hypha localization options Pt. 1 · Issue #40 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
Document Hypha Localization options Pt. 2 · Issue #41 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub Document Hypha Localization options Pt. 2 · Issue #41 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
Documenting Hypha Localization options Pt. 3 · Issue #42 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub Documenting Hypha Localization options Pt. 3 · Issue #42 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
Emily requesting review of the wording here: Document Hypha localization options Pt. 1 · Issue #40 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
Adoptor / Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
Ongoing work for Hypha Core:
Improving Error messages
Revising Automated messages
Ensure website, GitHub are current and accurate: Zulip < from Zulip
Hypha Core’s Design and Development Roadmap 2022
OTF - maintenance, projects page, sorry my brain slipped on the last one? @dluong
^ Eriol: I think I asked some questions a few months ago re. how inclusive do we want a cross-adopter roadmap
Eriol: Question for Reset re. DFF + Updates + Reset support?
- AP: email chain to discuss with DFF etc.
UX Design Corner
- Nothing this week
PM Corner
Rebasing /triage : 3 parts over 3 days (As discussed on Maintainer’s call February 15, 2022 - 3 proposals for adopter and maintainer input: Open Roadmap, voting / 'wish list' and Quarterly Milestone Rebase process):
This process is for collaborate for others to give input and tag or ping folks in GitHub so they are could give more feedback.
EF will sit on googlemeet during these times for others to join and give feedback:
March 30, 2022 11:00 AM → March 30, 2022 3:00 PM CET (5am-9am EST) -
March 31, 2022 11:00 AM → March 31, 2022 3:00 PM CET -
April 1, 2022 11:00 AM → April 1, 2022 3:00 PM CET
Rebasing dates updated to reflect Eriol’s (much needed) PTO: Hypha OSS's repo issues quarterly(ish) triage/rebasing/grooming
Will give updates and communication on Zulip related to rebase: Zulip
Includes merging similar issues or collecting like issues in METAS/EPICS
Triage/Rebasing for Q1 (+Q4 2021) planning this week - carrying out this week/next week
(11th April).see above post for updates days -
Reporting feature development paused for a moment - prep work winding down over April/May
PM support for OSS Hypha in a state of flux while we understand where time is support and by whom.
- Eriol: To this point, Maintainers calls, Adopter Calls and all ‘other’ PM work doesn’t have to be a single person taking on the role. It’s possible that in the Governance discussions that OTF (+Reset + SimSec) have been having any ‘role’ could be done by anyone regardless of their support/funding source. It’s an OSS project after all which means it’s open to contribution however that contribution is ‘supported’.
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
[di]: start to track accommplishments on a regular basis for the newsletter:
Maybe as a prompt or question during the Adopter call? +1
Examples of items for newsletter:
Q4 2021
localization [Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #7 by dluong and Localising Hypha]
revamping the WagTail Admin to the newsletter?
Torchbox ux research report/bug fixes over the summer
Q1 2022