2021-12-07T14:00:00Z → 2021-12-07T14:50:00Z
Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
- If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.
- Who will take notes?
- To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/
- Today’s Riseup pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/ATiqphqpcZNxCS6C8s55-keep
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Add here
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Release 1.73.0 & a new release?
- Security issues
- Finance (OTF)
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Map out comms channels for hypha project + loose roles & responsibilities
UX Design Corner
- Add here
Documentation Corner / What’s up docs?
- Docs WG meeting
PM Corner / Bow and Eriol
- Reporting feature feasibility update < Same as Adopters
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add here
- Put notes here
Maintainer’s Call 7th December 2021
GMT 13.00 - 13.50 // CET 14.00 - 14.50 // EST 09.00 - 09.50 // PST 06.00 - 06.50
Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu
Attending: Eriol, Emily, Di, Slammer, Fredrik, Bernard
Apologies: Dan Holidays, ARDC, DFF DDP,
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
Some docs topics to discuss
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
OTF finance and compliance build-up
cleanup - removing old project approval stream form (this is what they’re called in wagtail, forms that Staff create)
Bug: password protected login redirect issue fixed
Tokens updated (bc we’re going to actually use them now!), removed from everything except publicly available info (open calls)
OTF new feature requests:
Requiring password before you can change email
Requiring 2FA (2-factor authentication)
Added global customization setting so org can decide whether they want to have applications automatically routed or not
Application status was automatically updated/submissions automatically rerouted once conditions were met
Need bigger discussion (maybe in Summit?) about settings we have discussed adding, where do we want them (Fund, Round, Form, Global?), do we even want more (for many users, having too many settings is overwhelming)
New round of updates - Hypha uses a lot of Python and Node & NPM packages, working on updating them
Security issues: Progress covered in Release 1.74.0
Finance (OTF) progress
Slammer Q re: releases: are features in “release” available for use on live site?
Fredrik: release means code for features exists and you can actually use it
needs to be pushed to each org’s live site, Fredrik does this for OTF and Reset (typically weeekly)
Nothing goes to live without being on test first https://test-apply.hypha.app/
So new “release” means any org who wants that feature should update their code from the
OTF and reset have own test sites, so far there hasn’t been a dedicated tester for OTF, but Fredrik would be happy to have such a person
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
Dan is mapping out comms channels for hypha project + loose roles & responsibilities
Dan & Eriol also started Governance convos meetings etc for 17th Dec doc here: Governance and adopter stakeholder agreements - working doc - Google Docs Slammer is also in this call
OTF: Slammer, new IT person for OTF, will be attending weekly, will want to discuss governance & communication (and how that fits with OTF-internal processes), would like 1-on-1 meetings with maintainers
Security audit issues - Di added 2 more that Slammer noted, Di considers high priority
Other processes people want to think through
Can’t get to 2FA settings easily, no link from “account profile” to 2FA settings
Fredrik advises not to use Google to log in
Slammer says issue persists even when not using Google, will share screenshots with Bernard
DFF: An issue in AOB below
ARDC: thinking about how they want their instance of Hypha to function
UX Design Corner
Majority is OTF compliance work
design work for 2FA security audit issues
Reporting in same place as last week
Researching how applicants feel about contract e-signing services, and how they would feel about OTF requiring use of such a system
Di: want open source alternative that matches values and has all the same features
Bernard: people are saying that they are much more willing to use big name company because of the increased level of security that they get from such a company
Docusign spends all of their day making sure stuff is secure, OTF doesn’t (bc it’s not their focus)
Seems people are more convinced of the security of proprietary 3rd party e-signing (e.g. Docusign) than of open-source e-signing software
Eriol commented in chat “depends on your impression of OSS which is geo informed essentially”
Documentation Corner / What’s up docs?
Will be updating github hypha-docs repo to match new docs structure (not important to users, only contributors)
Happy to prioritize docs that would be useful to someone in Slammer’s position
Feedback on Stakeholders page:https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha-docs/blob/main/gettingstarted_overview/Hypha%20Stakeholders.md
Added descriptions to some of the roles in Hypha Documentation Organization spreadsheet:Hypha Documentation Organization & Add/Priority List - Google Sheets
What do we mean by administrator vs. developer and maintainer: Can we clarify who we mean by the “Administrator” (specifically how it’s different from Staff and Developer, maybe my description of “Developer” is incorrect)
PM Corner / Bow and Eriol
Reporting feature feasibility update (Same as Adopters last week) Feasibility Review Template - M&E and Reporting - Adopters Nov & Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 - Google Sheets
Wishlist process pending
Roadmap update pending
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
From DFF via Zulip: We have two different applicants from the same organisation. They originally submitted applications separately, with different accounts/email addresses. But now want both applications to be under one account. Is it just a matter of changing the two accounts so they both have the same email address and name? That won’t cause any problems where one application disappears?
[di]: Other users could be added to the application as a ‘Partner’ to edit the application < Thank you! I responded to Thomas in Zulip with this