Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/bnj-yvrx-ybn 2
Or dial: (GB) +44 20 3873 3170 PIN: 466 905 402 5442#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/bnj-yvrx-ybn?pin=4669054025442
If you’d like access to the google meet room, send a message to the @maintainers group. If you’d like to be added to the calendar invite please DM @eriol .
Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/
Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad
Attending (initials only):
Apologies (initials only):
Latest Adopter digest: Adopters Newsletter #1 Q4 2021 Adopters Newsletter #1 Q4 2021 into Q1 2022 · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub
Let’s start prepping Q1 Adopter Newsletter!: Adopters Newsletter #2 Q1 2022 · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub
Di had great prompts in maintainers call AOB for this which are copy-pasted into this meetings AOB.
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Add here
- Add here
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Most recent release: 2.2.0: Release 2.2.0 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
- In yesterday’s maintainers call we continued some discussion about ‘Localisation’ - find notes here: Maintainer’s Call 5th April 2022 - #2 by eriol and here: Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #7 by dluong
Documentation Corner
- Via Zulip chat @emlini → Polling Adopters regarding which permissions/capabilities they want all staff to have vs. just some (senior) staff.
- Feedback wanted from Adopters: How to request new doc pgs · Issue #38 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
- Add here
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Governance presentation/discussion date update via OTF?
- Ensuring website, GitHub are current and accurate: Zulip < from Zulip
- Summit 2022 - unsure if/when this will happen due to funding needed to support this?
UX Design Corner
- Add here
- Add here
PM Corner
- Rebasing/Grooming/Triage started today! find out more here: Hypha OSS's repo issues quarterly(ish) triage/rebasing/grooming
- Also Eriol’s been keeping note of ‘recent’ Adopter issues/topics here in this board: Features and enhancements: From Adopters · GitHub
- Hypha Core’s Design and Development Roadmap 2022 → OTF + OSS team has ideason how to kick this off. Would discussion be good on this?
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- [di]: start to track accommplishments on a regular basis for the newsletter:
- Maybe as a prompt or question during the Adopter call? +1
- Examples of items for newsletter:
- Q4 2021
- localization [Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #7 by dluong and Localising Hypha]
- revamping the WagTail Admin to the newsletter?
- Torchbox ux research report/bug fixes over the summer
- Q1 2022
- Critical maintainence updates? Django 3 etc.
- Version 2 of Hypha!
- Reporting paused, but planning work 95% there.
- Rebasing/Triage/Grooming?
- Q4 2021
Notes (Copy paste from Riseup pad once meeting is over. Please anonymise any names)
Monthly adopters meeting: 2022 Rescheduled to April 6th! (from March 23rd )
Attending (initials only): DL, FJ, EF, JM, KF, TV, EC
Apologies (initials only): SM, BT
Latest Adopter digest: Adopters Newsletter #1 Q4 2021 Adopters Newsletter #1 Q4 2021 into Q1 2022 · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub
Let’s start prepping Q1 Adopter Newsletter!: Adopters Newsletter #2 Q1 2022 · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub
Di had great prompts in maintainers call AOB for this which are copy-pasted into this meetings AOB.
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Adopters call on the 27th - do we want to keep this
- Summit details/updates?
Fredrik files (review of recent releases, active dev tasks/bugs)
Most recent releases:
As of this release (or was it as of 2.2.0? not sure. -KF), Hypha is moved to latest LTR of upstream Django (4.0.3?)
Update wagtail (no differences for user facing elements)
Update node - no longer using gulp
Building assets for devs are documented
Greyed out email & name field that is pre-populated on applications
Duration field no longer required on applications
Most recent release: 2.2.0: Release 2.2.0 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
In yesterday’s maintainers call we continued some discussion about ‘Localisation’ - find notes here: Maintainer’s Call 5th April 2022 Maintainer’s Call 5th April 2022 - #2 by eriol - #2 by eriol and here: Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #7 by dluong - #7 by dluong
Coming up the Pipeline:
Invoicing and contracting for projects
Intacct integration has been committed in it’s current state but is not being used as of yet
If you want to use read up on Intacct API
Improve user role management in WagTail Admin [Improve user role management in WagTail Admin · Issue #2793 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub]
Better oversight of reviewers roles & user accounts on our platform
Public part of hypha removing → reset stopped using and otf is going to stop using it
This means the ‘back end’ of hypha and the ‘front end’
Some connected context re. Headless Hypha: Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 February 22nd
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
Welcome Jim into Hypha
Governance presentation/discussion date update via OTF on Tuesday, April 19 at 9am ET on Maintainer’s Call for feedback
Ensuring website, GitHub are current and accurate: Zulip: Zulip
Question: Who looks after the GitHub/website/maintains?
hypha.app is primary source for most adopters
Proposal from docs to put up gitbook as main page?
Proposal for ideation or a hackathon on this?
Currently have information duplicated in three places - maybe we could link them so if one is updated others reflect that?
Website: https://www.hypha.app hosting/domain owned by who?
Main github repo README: GitHub - HyphaApp/hypha: Submission management software for open calls
Documentation README/main page: https://docs.hypha.app
Summit 2022 - unsure if/when this will happen due to funding needed to support this?
OTF is able to support the summit this year because we see value in meeting each other beyond avatars and GitHub, would love you all to meet Remote Inning folks!
Hypha Core’s Design and Development Roadmap 2022 → OTF + Maintainers have ideas on how to kick this off. Would discussion be good on this?
OTF’s Design + Dev Roadmap 2022 Roadmap 2022 · GitHub
Adopters call on the 27th - do we want to keep this - Keep: +1 +1 +1 +1 +1, No keep:
As mentioned in today’s call, OTS maintains a log of patches we’ve sent upstream: Upstreaming Log · Wiki · ots / hypha · GitLab (thx for this!)
If Jim @ OTS has questions about ‘intended’ use of Hypha functions - Power Users are OTF & Reset so good to ask those folk. You can also use to open comms channels.
Welcome Jim into Hypha
Governance presentation/discussion date update via OTF on Tuesday, April 19 at 9am ET on Maintainer’s Call for feedback
Ensuring website, GitHub are current and accurate: Zulip: Zulip
Question: Who looks after the github/website/mainatins?
hypha.app is primary source for most adopters
Proposal from docs to put up gitbook as main page?
Proposal for ideation or a hackathon on this?
Currently have information duplicated in three places - maybe we could link them so if one is updated others reflect that?
Website: https://www.hypha.app hosting/domain owned by who?
Main github repo README: GitHub - HyphaApp/hypha: Submission management software for open calls
Documentation README/main page: https://docs.hypha.app
Summit 2022 - unsure if/when this will happen due to funding needed to support this?
OTF is able to support the summit this year because we see value in meeting each other beyond avatars and GitHub, would love you all to meet Remote Inning folks!
Hypha Core’s Design and Development Roadmap 2022 → OTF + Maintainers have ideas on how to kick this off. Would discussion be good on this?
OTF’s Design + Dev Roadmap 2022 Roadmap 2022 · GitHub
Adopters call on the 27th - do we want to keep this - Keep: +1 +1 +1 +1 +1, No keep:
As mentioned in today’s call, OTS maintains a log of patches we’ve sent upstream: Upstreaming Log · Wiki · ots / hypha · GitLab (thx for this!)
If Jim @ OTS has questions about ‘intended’ use of Hypha functions - Power Users are OTF & Reset so good to ask those folk. You can also use to open comms channels.
High-level questions
Maintainers Calls for deeper dives
Zulip is a great tech support/hotline
Or reach out to one of the early adopters Di (OTF) or Dan (Reset)
Or GitHub
[di]: Fredrik has been a great resource, mentor, coach, and support to implementers and adopters contributing to Hypha Core. OTF believes this effort is esential to the long term maintenance and sustainability of Hypha Core. Fredrik’s engagement with implementers and contributers will acclimate new developers to Hypha Core, and mitigate the administrative costs of reviewing and scoping pull requests in the long-run.
High-level questions
Maintainers Calls for deeper dives
Zulip is a great tech support/hotline
Or reach out to one of the early adopters Di (OTF) or Dan (Reset)
Or GitHub
[di]: Fredrik has been a great resource, mentor, coach, and support to implementers and adopters contributing to Hypha Core. OTF believes this effort is esential to the long term maintenance and sustainability of Hypha Core. Fredrik’s engagement with implementers and contributers will acclimate new developers to Hypha Core, and mitigate the administrative costs of reviewing and scoping pull requests in the long-run.
Documentation Corner
Via Zulip chat @emlini → Polling Adopters regarding which permissions/capabilities they want all staff to have vs. just some (senior) staff.
Feedback wanted from Adopters: How to request new doc pgs · Issue #38 · HyphaApp/hypha-docs · GitHub
ARDC Grants Advisory Committee walk-through happened a week and a half ago; very useful feedback. Emily would also love to see the list of UI issues that Jim has created after the recent virtual shoulder-surfing session with ARDC staff.
Technical docs person search was paused for now!
- Is always a good project for GSoC or Outreachy or any new devs to test out the deployment of Hypha to then document the process.
UX Design Corner
- Nothing this month
PM Corner
Rebasing/Grooming/Triage started today! find out more here: Hypha OSS’s repo issues quarterly(ish) triage/rebasing/grooming Hypha OSS's repo issues quarterly(ish) triage/rebasing/grooming
- @emlini will add issue to github for updating “Quarterly Milesone/Rebase” page with some of the info in this post (possibly including renaming)
Also Eriol’s been keeping note of ‘recent’ Adopter issues/topics here in this board: Features and enhancements: Features and enhancements: From Adopters · GitHub
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
[di]: start to track accommplishments on a regular basis for the newsletter:
Maybe as a prompt or question during the Adopter call? +1
Examples of items for newsletter:
Q4 2021
localization [Monthly Ideation meeting: 2022 March 29th - #7 by dluong and Localising Hypha]
revamping the WagTail Admin to the newsletter?
Torchbox ux research report/bug fixes over the summer
Q1 2022
Critical maintainence updates? Django 3 etc.
Version 2 of Hypha!
Reporting paused, but planning work 95% there.