Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/bnj-yvrx-ybn
Or dial: (GB) +44 20 3873 3170 PIN: 466 905 402 5442#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/bnj-yvrx-ybn?pin=4669054025442
- If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.
- Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/
- Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Eriol PM: Needs to go over suggested dates for Hypha 2022 summit
- Eriol PM: Needs to go over summit suggestions post: Hypha Summit 2022 - #3
- Eriol PM: Headless Hypha discussion from Ideation meeting
- Eriol PM: Meetings changes and proposals
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Lets go over recent releases to Hypha OSS Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
- Can we discuss the Django updates in non-tech/dev language? What affects does this have on older/different clones/forks of Hypha?
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- Reset?
- OTF?
- DFF?
- DDP?
UX Design Corner
- Add here
Documentation Corner
PM Corner
- Eriol PM: Needs to go over suggested dates for Hypha 2022 summit
- Eriol PM: Needs to go over summit suggestions post: Hypha Summit 2022 - #3
- Eriol PM: Headless Hypha discussion from Ideation meeting
- Eriol PM: Meetings changes and proposals**
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add here
Attending: Blah, Rosy, Fredrik, Tom, Bernard, Di, Slammer, Dan S., and last but not least Emily
Apologies: everyone else.
Latest Adopter digest: Adopters Newsletter #1 Q4 2021 into Q1 2022 · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub
Does anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Di can talk about OTF finance workflow
- ARDC is 1 week away from a review of their Hypha
- Headless Hypha discussion from Ideation meeting
- Hypha Summit Dates - Hypha Summit 2022
Dan invites folks to come to the big picture maintainers call
There will be new meeting times
Potential proposal in the future to change the Maintainer’s call to accommodate more folks in different time zones? Conversations about recruiting and voting in new Maintainers. Also, thinking about how to make Maintainer’s calls more open and available to the Hypha community. If OTS and other Adopters have specific questions or interests, please let us know and Maintainers could look into other approaches to address these needs.
ACTION: Ask OTS team about joining some maintainers call, esp Ideation (Rosy)
- dschultz: I’ll try to be there at the very least (pending the outcomes of that conversation of course)!
Fredrik files
Review of recent releases ( https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha/releases ) active dev tasks/bugs)*
Lets go over recent releases to Hypha OSS Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub
Can we discuss the Django updates in non-tech/dev language? (we tried our best)
- updating Django to LTS (long-term support)
“Project” work in development
- deprecating software packages that are not longer updated as this could become an issue. this means rewriting some of Hypha to use replacement packages
right now a lot of releases are maintainance
- this should help new code contributors
getting nice PRs from “The” Schulz and Chris for things the devs hadn’t had a chance to address
Django 3.22 and Wagtail updates next week → another long term support effort
What effects does this have on older/different clones/forks of Hypha?
- for people regularly updating, keep doin what you’re doin
- they might need to update python due to new django
- for those who are not updating…
- that tooth might be bearable, but you’ll have to get it fixed.
- for people regularly updating, keep doin what you’re doin
Adopter Maintainer Corner
If we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adopter specific features as brief as possible!
[di]: Maintainers would love to know if submitting a pull request or enhancement issue straightforward in the Hypha-app GitHubrepo? Are instructions clear?
- Schultz says its good. The main thing that’s difficult is to know what’s a bug whats an enhancement
Di can talk about OTF finance workflow:
- Once an application is approved, button to “Create Project” on right-hand side of Staff dashboard
- When project is created, applicant is emailed and asked to complete “Vendor” information (banking, tax, etc. for invoicing/receiving payments)
- Bernard raised point about complexities of international funder/fundee projects, sometimes there may be need for “intermediary bank”
- If you (adopters) are funding projects in another country and it is complicated (for whatever reason), please let maintainers know so they can take into account and improve design of Vender setup form
- Project side has 3 tabs: Details, Communications, and Activity feed
- Attorneys can look over project details for compliance, etc. before contract is generated
- Program officer (person in charge of overseeing approved projects) can see project details and updates
- Contract manager (fundee?) can submit invoice, summary of work completed, and message to program manager
- Finance team (or whoever does this) can review invoice also can approve/decline/request more info
Thomas’ question: what questions are in the vender form and how can these be specified?
- Fredrik: fields are hard-coded, but wagtail setting form to allow orgs to change the labels (i.e. what each field is asking for)
- Also each field has a “feature flag” that allows you to turn that field on or off (so it shows up or doesn’t show up on your form) - e.g. you can turn off “payment info”
- But right now there are no settings to allow orgs to create new fields
- Question for @Adopters: does Hypha-core need to allow adopter customisable vendor forms?
- Chelsea says having customizeability would be useful for ARDC (Echoed by Rosy, though to know exactly what they need they need to test/use more)
- Di says form exists, but doesn’t need to be used by any org (not a required node/gateway in the workflow)
UX Design Corner
- No specific topics discussed
Documentation Corner
We’ve started the onboarding docs (e.g., community page: Commune with us! - Hypha Docs)
@eriol created new post for folks to introduce themselves on we.hypha.app Welcome post
- Please let us know which ‘user groups’ you prefer. The user role you select will receive specific messages that align with your user role
Answer to “How can I join” meetings question?
- Bernard: funnel all requests through Introduction post - Welcome to Hypha OSS community
- AP : E to edit Commune page to direct folks to this (request access in your introduction post)
Scope of meetings? (Also for Commune page)
- Dan: After governance docs exist, should have a better idea of what scope of these two meetings are, and can update page accordingly
Also have FAQs page (still very much under development)
- ARDC will be training staff soon, will most likely have more FAQ’s soon
- Chelsea: When you first start learning hypha you have about 1 million FAQs so it’s hard to say which are the most important ones
Always interested in other documentation folks want to see sooner
- instructions on how to contribute, e.g., where to submit a request or edit or contribute new information
- Contributing to documentation: E needs to develop a workflow for soliciting info people want to see in documentation
- AP : E will create thread in we.hypha with template for documentation addition requests
- instructions on how to contribute, e.g., where to submit a request or edit or contribute new information
Emily going to sit in with ARDC as they onboard to get a sense of how they are introducing new folks, write down questions they have to use to develop onboarding docs
- AP : Emily will message Rosy & Chelsea in Zulip to set this up (will be sometime in April)
PM Corner
Eriol PM: Needs to go over suggested dates for Hypha 2022 summit
Hypha Summit Dates - Hypha Summit 2022
- Please share dates you prefer HERE!!!
- Tom Vink cannot do week of 25 April, otherwise flexible
- Ask of adopters: if you’ve got recommendations for summit facilitators please suggest
- Rosy: Gunner x 3
- What qualities do they need, would be useful:
- keep the coversations on task (have good sheepdog smarts)
- spread some panache in situations of conversational snippyness
- enough knowledge of tech to know when jargon is happening
- Knowledge of open source
- People who care about CoCs and can ensure good decorum
- Someone who is one step removed so that all people in the group can participate
- Please let Maintainers know what you want to see happen at the Hypha summit, what your goals and expectations are and how long you want it to be. Along with any other comments or suggestions you have.
- Please share dates you prefer HERE!!!
Eriol PM: Needs to go over summit suggestions post: Hypha Summit 2022 - #3
Eriol PM: Headless Hypha discussion from Ideation meeting
Maintainers started discussion on Tuesday, Feb 22
- BT has spectrum of disengaging Hypha application platform from the Funder’s website. Most Funders currently has a different website so it’s not applicable.
- Dan S.: Just to confirm (and also for non-tech folks) when we say “headless” we’re pretty much saying “without a built in user interface”, right (e.g. headless chrome?)? As in, a version of Hypha where the business logic is fully separated from what the user interfaces with? Or is there some other meaning here. ← the answer is “maybe, that’s one option”
- Will not impact the application management side (Staff/Reviewer/Applicant dashboards all the same), only the public site, ie apply side. HOWEVER, will impact how a Fund, Round, etc. is created in WagTail.
- What would “Headless” Hypha look like?
- Option 1: in WagTail where create funds, rounds, forms, etc. There will be a Hypha’s application UI for the user to run the fund there. This would be seprate from the Funder’s website. Technically Hypha already supports this. Example: DFF apply website (separate from their main page, requires a lot of work to make Hypha apply page match org website in terms of theme, etc.–right now this isn’t very easy in Hypha)
- Option 2: Hypha’s Fund management UI. Funder’s website is used to display the application forms. Application forms are embedded on Funder’s website. Instead of being brought to another Funder’s address, applicants would apply to a form “embedded” on the Funder’s website. There are technial questions about how to best embedd application forms on the website like a google form. Or a plug-in that doesn’t look like an embed
- Option 3: Funder’s website and the apply site. What information is pulled from Hypha and displayed on the website? For example, the external reviewers could be pulled from Hypha and displayed on the website.
- Bernard: purpose of discussing this is to talk about User needs - main reason is for Applicant-user to go to the funder’s website and apply ON the funder’s website
- Is that a user need?
- Rosy: doesn’t feel a need to have integrated, though the embedded might be nice (solves styling issues, increases adopter-user control over this, though Wordpress is finicky and sometimes updates break embedded stuff)
- Blah: for Reset, Blah just likes better NOT having separation between public-facing website and apply website, would like Hypha to offer easy-to-implement
- Thomas: not sure people applying for grants on DDP are even going to notice the difference, but there are two different IT companies hosting main website than Hypha site
- Is that the only user need? (probably not, though we have no notes on this)
- Is that a user need?
- Open questions re: User accounts
- Dan Schultz: How would users handle followup (e.g. editing, responding to additional questions, etc) – there’s more than just the application form for many application journeys, right?
- DS: OTF currently has an option for applicants to edit their applications, the ‘diff’ or edits show up as a two panel view via the Activity Feed. The edits are highlighted so Program Officers could see the changes made by applicants.
- Most functions in Hypha already have API that uses React interfaces with Django back-end
- Rosy: Now also thinking about - users create accounts when they submit an application. So they are already working with a separate system the moment they submit an app. Would that make it confusing for the applicant, would they come to our site looking for a login that doesn’t exist?
- Dan : I was starting to think about this “two accounts” thing as well – though realized to your point Rosy that’s sort of a “sunk cost” / already the case… That said… would we imagine a world where someone has an account on the “host” site (the non-hypha site) and that account is somehow associated with the Hypha account? E.g. single sign on… ← I’m not advocating this / it’s a terrifying thing to raise… I just wanted to raise the question
- Rosy says: this is a good point. At ARDC we already have a login for the portal, a login for the website, and a login for grantmaking (now HotCRP and soon Hypha)
- Chelsea: Having to go back to an email to be able to log in isn’t ideal - a login on the site would be the most user friendly thing imo
- OTF sends emails to applicants with a url or link that leads them directly to the application platform
- This could be updated with the new URL/link, whatever that would be
Next Steps: Maintainers put a post of the option for folks to consider and give feedback. Perhaps another meeting about Headless Hypha to discuss this feedback