Don’t forget to add a post topic and date!
Google meet room:
- If you’d like access, send a message to the @maintainers group.
- Who will take notes?
- To take notes, all’s you got to do is type in here: Riseup Pad
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
- Product Management + Design + Dev: Reporting: Updates from Product Management & Design on reporting: Feasibility Review Template - M&E and Reporting - Adopters Nov & Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 - Google Sheets
- Product Management + Dev + docs: Should be all ok to put a 40min Fredrik & Shrikrishna & Eriol video conversation about how they approached the Intacct API build.
- X-community: Governance documents progress.
- Product Management: Discussion on automatically updated/submissions and settings we have discussed adding, where do we want them (Fund, Round, Form, Global?), do we even want more (for many users, having too many settings is overwhelming). Description on GitHub here.
- Product Management: Discussion on 'What does the files tab need to do for Adopters?: What does the files tab need to do for users? .
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
- Django updates?
- Security updates?
Adoptor Maintainer Corner *(if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!
- How did ARDC’s bug QA week go?
- How did DDP’s fund using Hypha launch go?
- Any x-Adopter info updates re. OTF’s finance work?
UX Design Corner
- Reporting?
- Add here
Documentation Corner
- Adopter Onboarding docs?
- Adopter work flow docs?
- Add here
PM Corner
- Adopter Newsletter Digest: Adopter Newsletter Digest · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub to be emailed out!
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’
- Add here
Monthly adopters meeting: 2022 January 26th
January 27, 2022 3:30 PM → January 27, 2022 5:00 PM
Google meet room:
Attendees: Eriol, Chelsea, James Vasile, Dan Blah, Rosy Schechter, Chris Zubak-Skees, Bernard, Slammer Musuta, Di Luong
Quick round of intros
AP: Eriol make sure Google meeting links are correct also the agenda link in google calendar invites!
Anyone needs any specific time to discuss ongoing work?
Discussion on Meta terms & flags
Product Management + Design + Dev: Reporting: Updates from Product Management & Design on reporting: Feasibility Review Template - M&E and Reporting - Adopters Nov & Dec 2021 & Jan 2022 - Google Sheets
Product Management + Dev + docs: Should be all ok to put a 40min Fredrik & Shrikrishna & Eriol video conversation about how they approached the Intacct API build.
X-community: Governance documents progress.
Product Management: Discussion on automatically updated/submissions and settings we have discussed adding, where do we want them (Fund, Round, Form, Global?), do we even want more (for many users, having too many settings is overwhelming). Description on GitHub here.
Product Management: Discussion on 'What does the files tab need to do for Adopters?: What does the files tab need to do for users?.
Fredrik files (review of recent releases , active dev tasks/bugs)
4 releases since last Adopter Call in early december
Django updates?
Security updates?
Adoptor Maintainer Corner (if we have multiple adopters in the call please keep updates on adoptor specific features as brief as possible!)
How did ARDC’s bug QA week go?
Have an internal bug process tracker (b/c of confidentiality) but half of them are upstream candidates for improving Hypha OSS → coming soon. Dan Schultz ← Expect this name in PR’s etc.
Chelsea asked how others use the “flagging” feature.
Dan answered: on dashboard, you can flag things for yourself (and they’ll show up as flagged), or flag things for staff (in which case all staff will see those as flagged). E.g., whoever was lead for a round would staff-flag everything that needed to be reviewed, and then any staff who logged in would see which applications are up for immediate discussion. Another use was between rounds to flag “interesting” applications to get a closer look.
Di gave a demonstration of how they use meta terms (look under “Actions to take” → “More actions” → “Meta terms” on the embedded reviewer dash panel). She tagged an application for “Red Team Labs”, and then showed how in the filterable list view she could filter on that meta term.
Chris Zubak-Skees discussed newcomer UX: “staff flag” not clear to folks ‘flag to staff’ (or maybe “flag for staff”)
Meta terms: not clear that there needs to be 3 levels of meta terms. Top level tag.
@Eriol/PM:Suggestion for a more free form way of tagging. That supports tree tags vs. free form tags.
Bernard responded w/ suggestion to go through previous applications and use that to construct a set of meta terms that make sense. If one just starts w/ free-form tagging, one ends up with lots of somewhat overlapping terms.
@Emily for docs. On dashboard there are staff flags that exists. A way to flag on a case by case basis. Reset used to manage and track a screening process and further determination reviews.
Staff flags: lead for round, staff flag go to dash and see your flags.
Add into the workflow generally how to have a to-do list for a meeting discussion etc.
I believe you can also filter by flags
Meta terms can be used in a whole bunch of flexible ways - when you want the applicant to be part of the process. Category questions via meta tags.
e.g. applications that we would say no to but consider for another call can me meta tagged (if you create the meta term first!)
Rosy: Successful grants process now means there more use for detailed Hypha features needs @Fredrik to speak with Karl request.
How did DDP’s fund using Hypha launch go?
- Was due to go out on 15th Jan → sending good vibes to Allan
Any x-Adopter info updates re. OTF’s finance work?
Single button apply
Finance demo could be done in Feb onwards for adopters
X-community, Lead by Reset & OTF at the moment: Governance documents progress.
OTF & Reset & SimSec are working across governance documentation and agreements
Viewable pre-summit for ‘socialising’ the governance work.
April for Virtual Hypha summit to ‘break the bottle’ as it were over the Hypha OSS community
Governance has been working so far so input might be light from that pov.
Conversations with other funders and onboarding has been helped via governance convos
OSS sustainability conversations
Governance process
Dan: Trying to design governance ahead of time, both to help reduce potential for conflicts as more organizations adopt Hypha and (inevitably) have feature requests that will not all be aligned, and for funders/adopters for whom “oh it’s open source everything just works don’t worry about governance” is not reassuring enough and who would like to see an actual governance process described in writing.
That led to a broader discussion of open source sustainability. Not even trying to summarize it here, but it was great. Eriol sent this link toward the end of it:
UX Design Corner
Bernard’s presentation:
Reporting functionality: Discussion and clarity - #22 by bernard
Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration (zoom out to see the 3 options!)
Documentation Corner
Adopter Onboarding docs?
Adopter work flow docs?
PM Corner
- Adopter Newsletter Digest: Adopter Newsletter Digest · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub to be emailed out! Adopter Newsletter Digest · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’