Nexus, a way for applicants to learn from & engage with each other

Proposed goal

  • Create Nexus (or some other better name), a place within Hypha for applicants to see basic information about other applications and engage with those applications.

Possible user workflows/experience


  1. In Admin Apply/Hypha > Nexus, enable
  2. In Admin Apply/Hypha > Nexus, specifies name and slug for their Nexus (ie hub and apply/hub)
  3. In Admin Apply/Hypha > Nexus, there is a link to Admin Apply/Hypha > Policies > Nexus Policy, to specify consent / opt-in text
  4. In Admin Apply/Hypha > Nexus, specify which, if any, screening status(s) an application requires to join the Nexus
  5. In Admin Apply/Hypha > Nexus, specify how long an application is available in the Nexus
  6. In Admin Apply/Hypha > Nexus, specify which application fields beyond title and summary, if any, are exposed within the Nexus (amount, duration, name, category, email, status, submission date, etc)
  7. In Admin Apply/Hypha > Nexus, specify Welcome text for when an application has been included in the Nexus
  8. For each fund/lab as desired, enables Nexus for received applications


  1. When applying, the ability for them to opt-in/out their application into the Nexus
  2. When the application is added to the Nexus, receive a welcome notification
  3. For as long as they have an application that is within the Nexus, they can visit apply/nexus to see all other applications
  4. Ability to flag/save an application for them to view later
  5. Ability to like/heart an application and see how many likes an application has received
  6. Ability to keyword search to see applications with exposed fields that match keywords
  7. Ability to filter/sort applications by submission date, category questions, likes, etc if exposed
  8. Ability to Communicate directly to the owner of an application privately or for all in the Nexus to see
  9. Ability to Communicate on a Nexus-wide wall, for all to see and respond
  10. Ability to flag a communication as “objectionable”, and provide anonymous information why
  11. Ability to request access to view a full application from its owner
  12. Ability as an owner to provide view access to all others within the Nexus

cc @katie @bernard @frjo

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