— 2021-08-17T13:00:00Z → 2021-08-17T13:45:00Z
- Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is press the EDIT button on this post.
- Fredrik files (review of recent releases, active dev tasks/bugs)
- UX Design Corner
- What are the next priorities? Review GH issues with the Status: need team review label
- Look at whats in the Hypha Development backlog column
- Any Other Business
going through the recent commits in releases
on determination order
- maybe change the date format and adding a sort
- @allan will make an issue for changing the date format
- @frjo will change the default sort and make look at making a sort function to allow users to change the order themselves
Radically Open Security doing a security audit
- Doing an OTF-specific audit
- Run down of prelim findings thus far
dealing with we.hypha spam
- related to the email? (probably)
theme for hypha.app
- @bernard will pick a theme to use now
- @katie will take on coming up with a logo and other styling
- see [Meta] Create Hypha product website · Issue #2164 · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub for more info
working on improving the ability to customize look and feel
a white label overview of submission workflows by @bernard
- Miro | Online Whiteboard for Visual Collaboration
- see a similar narrative walk through that OTF did: OTF | IFF Application Update #2