2021-09-07T13:00:00Z → 2021-09-07T13:50:00Z
- Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is press the EDIT button on this post.
- Fredrik files (review of recent releases, active dev tasks/bugs)
- UX Design Corner
- OTF’s ‘contracting and compliance workflow’
- Anyone needs any specific time to go over work?
- Any Other Business
- Proposals for how to continue this call focuses
- Maintainer tech updates corner
- Discussion corner
- How we view our issue board and tracker and feeling good about the progress of tasks
- Moderator perms for @eriol to make discourse wiki posts
On new releases: Fredrik files
- New release - will be pushed Reset and OTF sites tomorrow morning (UTC+2-ish) @blah @dluong
- Changed Hypha application review behaviour - submissions will no longer auto-advance to next stage when 2 reviewers have made reviews. A GH issue has been opened to make this configurable by the Hypha adopter. (for the future)
- Chris from OTS made PR to notify submission reviewers after the application has changed status (before when this happened, they were not notified)
- Hypha package updates
- Sandbox site has been rebranded to Hypha core from OTF. This will help @emlini when she wants to make screenshots for documentation
UX Design corner
We recorded the design wireframe demo - please let us know if this record violates anything.
- Bernard wants to go through low-fidelity wire-frames of OTF’s ‘contracting and compliance workflow’ and specifically how this could be adapted for core.
- Time limit for discussion: 10-20 mins approx
- Bernard shared the workflow that is OTF specific for now and then generalised wireframes. You can view a recording here.
- RESET and OTF paths are similar.
- Some information is auto-populated and some is not due to specific terms/numbers etc. These are still editable to reduce errors.
- Trying to reduce human time for data entry.
- OTF has a checks that are required that can be changed to specific organisations specific check types.
- Contract goes past specific individuals in org for approval and then signing if all ok.
- Wireframes (very low fidelity sketches) can also be viewed here on a Miro collaboration board
- Bernard is still working on design thinking around ‘assigning back to self’ flow.
Questions and feedback on wireframes
Some users use salesforce - how does this work with contract processes and opportunities.
Want this interface but ‘back end’ will come from salesforce and other ‘storage’ spaces. Want to know how to communicate to the team using (RESET) -
Contracts ‘stored’ in (adopter specific) Hypha? - yes and then can be used as a template. Some concerns about how templates are used
Third party tools for contracts vs. inside hypha. Preferences for ‘plug in’ to other tools that already do that rather than having hypha ‘keep up’ with technical needs. Hypha keeps up with API → create module that supports ‘3rd party tools dousing, adobe etc.’ Some concerns on privacy respectful tools.
Edits on the contract via text boxes don’t need approval process UI because they’ll always be made by ‘higher approval role’?
What follow up is needed - longer discussion and on what focus?
- Adoptors: Do you want X integration and why and how often?
- Adoptors: How applicable is this for other organisations already?
- Design & UX: Start with the lawyers re. The user flow testing
- PM: prioritising an API approach vs. any other approach
- PM: A space for Adoptors to give good feedback and collect it
- Dev: Flexible dev/integration. What are the aspects of this that are complex?
Miro comments on specific wireframe sections are most helpful for Bernard.
Docs corner
- Accessibility of screenshots and accessibility audit.
- Suggest we raise this at the next maintainers call and come up with a proposal of how to
Any Other Business
- Eriol’s proposals
- Proposals for how to continue this call focuses
- Maintainer tech updates corner
- Discussion corner
- How we view our issue board and tracker and feeling good about the progress of tasks
- Timeline changes and updates to the wider maintainer call