When: 2021-08-03T13:00:00Z → 2021-08-03T13:45:00Z
Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is press the EDIT button on this post.
Fredrik files (review of recent releases, active dev tasks/bugs)
UX Design Corner
- @emlini’s addition: revisiting discussion of Hypha workflow changes/clarification (this thread and the discussion from the July 20 Maintainter’s call)
- Specifically, I’d like to answer these questions and develop actionable next steps:
- do we agree with this proposed change?
- if so, how big a change is this?
- how much of a prioritity is this?
- [Di]: Could we include community guidelines for contributors? Could we tackle a simple case study in documentation?
Any Other Business???
No major release goodness to dig into
On UI/UX workflow differences between how hypha
- Next steps for documentation:
- documentation for NEW adopters with simple scenarios
- Prioritize making the starting point into hypha easier, ie more features on the initial install to make it easier
- Survey hypha users on which Hypha White Label/Hypha Core priorities to focus on, e.g., quick deployment, wagtail admin, localization, etc.
- DFF will share their documents on startup