Candidate topics for Ideation sessions (For pinning)

As I look over Rebasing of the OSS repo - I’m noticing a good amount of issues (both adopter variable high and low priority…) that are key candidates for Ideation discussion.

I’m doing a quick and dirty list here before any kind of filtering happens so we have a clear log of the potential topics.

Potential topics for Ideation monthly meetings - WIP List

  • Ability for managers to offer an honorarium issue 2074
  • How to score application (Issue no. pending)
  • Improve visibility of what forms are linked to what funds on the wagtail admin fund page as have been done on the rounds page issue 1509
  • Ability for managers to use a peer review workflow (applicants reviewing applicants) issue 1522
  • When editing an active round’s application, an option to save changes to the original/master application Issue:1909
  • A single application with fields exposed at later stages of review workflow Issue 1951
  • When editing an active round’s application, an option to save changes to the original/master application Issue 1909
  • Reviewer settings in Wagtail admin → how clear are they and can they be documented during an ideation call?
  • IA structure of Wagtail admin discussion and design exercise

The above is a WIP List and can be added to by anyone :slight_smile:

Topics that have had at least 1 ideation monthly meeting