🗻 What's on the horizon?


The team groups issues/features into quarterly milestones. A full list of current and upcoming milestones by quarter can be found here. Each milestone shows how many open and closed issues there are and the progress towards completing all issues. It is not expected that all issues for each milestone will be completed. Remaining ones will be bumped to the next quarter.

Current Development

Issues in the design and development phase are on the roadmap and are also put into the main project board. Issues on the main project board are current and frequently updated.

How to contribute?

A contributor is anyone who engages with the Hypha in a variety of ways from commenting on issues to submitting code and/or documentation to Hypha. We welcome and are grateful for all contributions to Hypha. Contributors are responsible for upholding the Hypha Code of Conduct.

New Releases

The most informative way to find what has recently been accomplished and about to be added to the production app is to view open pull requests. Alternatively, the releases list also shows what has recently be added and deployed. The most informative way to find out what has recently been accomplished and is now on the production app is to view recently closed pull requests.

As a general routine, the project releases new features/fixes in weekly batches on Tuesdays.