Quarterly Adopters Meeting May 24

Quarterly Meetings at 10:30 AM EST/7:30 AM PST
what time is it in my city?

:tv: Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/bnj-yvrx-ybn 2
Or dial: ‪(GB) +44 20 3873 3170‬ PIN: ‪466 905 402 5442‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/bnj-yvrx-ybn?pin=4669054025442

Today’s Riseup pad: [Agenda Here]

Attending (initials only): JM, KF, FJ, SM, AS, DL
Apologies (initials only):

Latest Adopter digest: Adopters Newsletter Adopter Newsletter Digest · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub


:open_file_folder: Fredrik Files (review of recent releases (Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub) active dev tasks/bugs)

:mountain_snow: What’s on the horizon?
Description: Learn more about new Hypha development

:spiral_notepad: Adopter Field Notes
Description: We would love to hear any updates from current and potential adopters

Superbloom’s demo of NEW projects page - thank you Abhi!

As we’ve discussed in other meetings, Human Capability Foundation and Urgent Action Fund are keen to implement Hypha.

OTS’s proposed QA process, and approach for sharing QA results with larger Hypha community