Quarterly Adopters Meeting 2024 Jul 24nd

Quarterly Meetings at 10:30 AM EST/7:30 AM PST
what time is it in my city?

:tv: Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/bnj-yvrx-ybn

Today’s Riseup pad: Riseup Pad

Attending (initials only):
Apologies (initials only):


:open_file_folder: Fredrik Files (review of recent releases (Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub) active dev tasks/bugs)

  • v5.9.0
  • v5.10.0
  • v5.11.0
  • v5.11.1
  • v5.11.2
  • TLDR:
    • PDF Stamping for approved invoices
    • Addition of user drop down menu
    • Mobile navigation improvements
    • Application IDs made more prominent, ability to add custom prefixes
    • Task list now shows on the notification bell
    • More HTMX implementations (screening UI, flagging, etc)
    • Comment notifications for partners
    • Cookie popup improvements/customization
    • CSV export from all submissions
    • Fixed login redirects
    • Remember me option for logins

:mountain_snow: What’s on the horizon?
Description: Learn more about new Hypha development

  • Configurable Staff/Applicant PII improvements (hide staff identities from applicants, applicant identity from reviewers, etc)
  • All modals to use HTMX
  • Add task feature
  • Results view (/submissions/result/) speed & appearance improvements

:people_holding_hands: Community Enagement
Description: Events, documentation, communication updates

:spiral_notepad: Adopter Field Notes
Description: We would love to hear any updates from current and potential adopters

:question: Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’