Google meet room:
Who will take notes?
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here:
Today’s Riseup pad: Today’s notes here
Attending (initials only): DL, FJ, AL, SM
Apologies (initials only): JM
Fredrik files (review of recent releases (Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub) active dev tasks/bugs)
Applicants will now receive an automated email when saving a submission as a draft for the first time (#2948)
Bug Fixes:
Add js validation for acceptable file types for all uploads (#2951). This fix addresses several issues:
- The third-party library Hypha has been using for the upload button (django-file-form) was buggy. Developers replaced the code with an updated library.
- When a user uploads an invalid file type like a jpg, the platform rejects it and prevents the application from being submitted. Developers added a patch to include a javascript validation. This means the platform will not accept certain files like a jpg, but the application could still be submitted.
- The file type could now be displayed. The font is black for acceptable files, but red for unacceptable ones. An error message will appear.
This release also fixes duplicate comments in in-app feed (#2950). When a user submits a comment, the comment will be reflected on the in-app notification. When the comment was edited, this triggered several notifications associated with those edits. The fix means that each comment will be associated with a single alert regardless of how many edits were made within this comment.
What’s on the horizon?
Description: Learn more about new Hypha development
Community Enagement
Description: Events, documentation, communication updates
Latest Adopter digest: Adopters Newsletter #2 Q2 2022 · HyphaApp/hypha Wiki · GitHub – please add your updates directly to the newsletter or share updates here
Moving Hypha documents to MKDocs (FJ)
NEW launch here:
Material theme
Everything is pure markdown
Technical documentation update - broad themes and next steps (AL)
Will submit pull requests or commit new docs soon
Adopters’ meetings will return this September!
- Start outreach soon
Adopter Field Notes
Description: We would love to hear any updates from current and potential adopters
OTF is training NEW staff on Hypha over the next few weeks
Training available to adopters starting October:
Train-the-Trainer in September & October
The goal of this train-the-trainer program is to build the capacity of our team to work within Hypha, and to help other team members navigate the system. -
Program Manager/Officer Training February & March
The aim of this training is to ensure anyone managing a fund/lab has the resources they need to oversee their applications.
Description: New designs, wireframes, work in progress to share
We had an in-depth conversation about the ‘Community Review’ workflow
How is it currently used in practice?
This workflow is often used in participatory grantmaking
Workflow allows any external individuals (ie applicants) to evaluate applications while other workflows limit it to the reviewer user group
Any Other Business or ‘Proposals ongoing’