Hypha Meeting 2023 August 29

Hypha Meetings - Every other Tuesday at 9 AM EST [what time is it in my city?] 9https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Hypha+Meeting+&iso=20230131T09&p1=263&ah=1)

:tv: Google meet room: https://meet.google.com/nuq-pztb-asu

:writing_hand: Who will take notes? :raised_hands:
To take notes, all’s you got to do is make a riseup note pad here: https://pad.riseup.net/

Today’s Riseup pad: ADD RISE UP PAD LINK HERE Riseup Pad

Attending (initials only): JM, FJ, DL
Apologies (initials only):


:open_file_folder: Fredrik files (review of recent releases (Releases · HyphaApp/hypha · GitHub) active dev tasks/bugs)

The latest release Hypha 4.4.0 released

:mountain_snow: What’s on the horizon?
Description: Learn more about new Hypha development

:spiral_notepad: Adopter Field Notes
Description: We would love to hear any updates from current and potential adopters

OTS recently upstreamed code to the main branch, and plan to upstream more over the next month or so. Currently working on the reporting feature on the ‘Project page’

OTF is working on preview for applicants when they submit an application, this would enable them to see what staff/program officers see on Hypha. Also resolved recent bugs related to embedding long url or image to the text field of a form. Doing so would distort the side-by-side (‘diff’) view.

:people_holding_hands: Community Enagement
Description: Events, documentation, communication updates

Discussed enhancing the preview option when publishing a Fund/Lab/Round application and how to best organize application forms on the Wagtail Admin